Alpenwort – a linguistically annotated corpus

In the project Alpenwort. Korpus der Zeitschrift des Deutschen und Österreichischen Alpenvereins the almanac of the Austrian Alpine Club 1869 – 1998 (=Zeitschrift des Deutschen und Österreichischen Alpenvereins ZAV) was be digitized and annotated.

The ZAV is a very important source especially in Austria, which shares, by area, the largest part of the Alpine arc. In its first decades the magazine contributions reflect the ongoing touristic and cartographic exploration of the Alps and the economic and scientific discoveries involved. During the 20th century perspectives expanded to the mountains of the world. Globally relevant topics such as environment and nature protection are discussed as well as questions of regional identity and cultural heritage.

The main goal of the project is to make this unique source accessible for the scientific community enhanced by exhaustive linguistic annotation conformant with CLARIN-DARIAH standards.

All texts of the ZAV journal can be accessed here

There is a fulltext version, as well as an annotated and tagged corpus.

We hope you enjoy browsing!