
Access to the corpora and fulltexts

  • Read the texts online via the literature portal (Austrian Literature Online)
    All volumes of the ZAV can be read online and also a basic search is possible. No registration necessary.
    Link to ALO: ZAV
  • Access for corpus linguistic analyses:
    The Alpenwort corpus is available in different formats and can be accessed via different protals. A corpus isn’t a fulltext, this means not the whole book or article can be viewed. Rather corpus access is intended for extensive research and statistical analyses. Different search and analysis methods are available: text search, POS-tag-search, keywords, collocations etc.
    User friendly access to Alpenwort via Hyperbase: Alpenwort 1.0; or surf to –> Existierende Korpora/existing corpora –> AV_v1
  • Download of the corpus-XMLs with TEI-metadatea at ZENODO: Posch, Claudia, & Rampl, Gerhard. (2018). Alpenwort – Corpus of the Almanac of the Austrian Alpine Club (Version 1.0.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.
  • Download of the corpus-XMLs with TEI-Metadata at ARCHE: soon

The corpora can only be used for scientific purposes and must not be used commercially. The origin of the data must be mentioned.

You may cite the corpus like this:

Posch, Claudia and Rampl, Gerhard (Ed.).  Alpenwort – Korpus der Zeitschrift des Deutschen und Österreichischen Alpenvereins (1869 – 1998). Division Linguistics at the Institute of Languages and Literatures, University of Innsbruck, 2017. URL: DOI: