Was ist die Projektidee?

The digitization of the Austrian Alpine Club Journal (ZAV)

key data

duration: 15.10.2014 – 14.10.2017
funding: go!digital call of the Austrian Academy of 2013
staff: Daniela Feistmantl, Bettina Larl, Irina Windhaber
location: Linguistics division of the Institute of Languages and Literatures, University of Innsbruck


The Austrian Alpine Club Journal (ZAV) is published in the form of an almanach and is a unique source on the history of the alpine area. The ZAV includes a wide variety of topics – from reports on (first) ascents, to route descriptions, to scientific essays from almost all fields (geology, geography, biology, meteorolgy, (historical) linguistics, history, archaology, etc.). And there are even contributions on literature and arts and culture. The authors often are leading scientists and alpinists of the period.

The journal was published continuously with only a short break from 1944-1948. For the project Alpenwort 123 volumes from 1869/70 to 1998 were digitized. Alltogether 43.383 pages were scanned by DEA – Digitisation and Electronic Archiving (The minimal number of pages of a volumes was 109, maximal 848). The volumes from 1915 – 1960 are printed in Gothic Script (of 1961 and 1962 there are two copies, Gothic and Antiqua).


The main goal of the project was to digitize this unique source and make it accessible for scientific analyses and the interested public.